Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

August 11, 2010

We had together for a year!

Hai yang diTN Magelang sana.. Apa kabar? Masihkah kau mencintaiku?-_-v

Biasa, kalo udh malem galau&kesepian mode ;on mehehe:$ It feels like yesterday that u're still here with me, holding me tight.. garrh but no matter the distance and time, I'll keep waiting:)

2 days ago we had just together for a year val! Thank God 'cause you always bless our relationship.
Selamat satutahun val, aku selalu dan selalu sayang kamu uUu;^ hehe. Gak sabar nunggu kamu pulang, aku kangen! Cepet pulang ya.. Semoga kita jd lebih baik satu sama lain, trs walaupun kita long distance relationship tapi long last! Amin o:) Biasanya setiap anniv kamu telfn aku jam00.00 trs ngucapin semua permohonan2 kamu&aku utk kedpnnya, tapi skg kamu gakbs gitu lagi huhu mau ngucapin drmn juga kan kita lostcontact:( tapi gkpp aku kuat kok! :'D
Kita udh sama-sama 1tahun lho val dan aku mau seterusnya kita sama-sama.. Kamu dsana baik-baik ya takecare. Well, this anniversary was different than usual.. I felt lack of love from you. Give me your strength, I'm getting weak :'

Remember this? This is what I gave to you on the firstmonth of our anniversary:) Now, what do you want on the firstyear anniversary dear? You know you're everything to me, and I would give anything for you.

You makes me more wanna stay-with-you-for-ever! That's true :')